How to organise your toolbox like a professional

Do you consider yourself handy? With home improvement projects spiking during the recent lockdowns, it’s likely more and more of us do. DIY sales soared over summer – but are you looking after your tools and equipment like a professional would? 

More than a mere matter of pride, efficient toolbox organisation can keep expensive items in top condition and make every job easier. If yours is currently a frustrating mess or you’re just getting started, read our top tips below on how to introduce some much-needed order.  

    Image via Unsplash

Have a clearout (and clean-up)

From our wardrobes to our garages and even fridges and freezers, better organisation often starts with a clearout. Remove every last item and take stock of what can stay, what can go, and what can be grouped together.

Freeing up space will make rifling through tools less of a time sink. Make sure to clean up drawers and compartments before putting everything back in its rightful spot.   

Label key sections

Next up is categorisation. If you have a large toolbox with multiple sections, it’s worth creating a clear labelling system so you’ll know where to find everything at a glance. You’ll also be less likely to put bits back in the wrong place over time that way.

Possible categories could include hand tools, power tools and accessories, depending on the kit you have available.  

Use containers for small items 

What about all those smaller bits and bobs that seem to end up in every drawer and pocket no matter what you do? Much like a kitchen larder for spices, invest in a selection of clear tubs to keep loose items like bolts, nails and screws together. You’ll want to label these too to avoid getting confused and mixing them up.   

Order tools by weight

Most larger toolboxes will have multiple layers. If yours does too, it’s logical to store heavier items like power tools at the bottom, medium-sized tools like hammers and wrenches in the middle, and all remaining lighter bits at the top. 

Organising tools by weight reduces the risk of a toolbox toppling over. You’ll also be less likely to damage lighter tools – or hurt yourself – when putting items in or taking them out. 

Insert tool foam

Tool foam sheets are a smart solution for keeping items from sliding around on the move, as well as making them easier to visually distinguish. They’ll reduce bumps and scratches too – though you’ll likely need to custom-cut yours to suit your equipment. This process shouldn’t be too tricky with a good quality utility blade in hand, however.

They say a tidy desk promotes a tidy mind – and the same goes for your toolbox. Follow the tips above to make every job a breeze and ensure the best possible results.


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