3 Tips For Quickly Turning Over A Vacated Rental

If you’re a landlord that rents out property to long-term tenants, switching between one tenant to another can be quite the process. So to ensure that you don’t lose a lot of money while your property is sitting empty, it’s wise to have a process in place for turning over the property quickly and getting someone else in there.

To help you in doing this, here are three tips for quickly turning over a vacated rental to new tenants.

Inspect The Property As Soon As Possible

As soon as you’re informed that your tenants will be moving, you should try to get into the property to see the state of things as soon as you’re able to. Even just going around the property and getting a preliminary idea of how everything looks and what might need to be done before new tenants move in can help you get ahead of the game.

In some situations, you might not need to make any real changes or improvements before you can rent the property out again. But in other situations, you might need to do things like repaint or replace carpeting in order to make the place liveable. And the sooner you have this information, the better off you’ll be. 

Make All Necessary Repairs

It’s very common for these to be some repairs that need to be taken care of after a tenant moves out and before a new tenant moves in. And the faster you’re able to get all of this work done, the sooner you’ll be able to get someone else in there. 

In some instances, you might be able to make most of the repairs all on your own. But if you don’t have the time, ability, or desire to do it, you can always hire reinstatement professionals to take care of this work for you and get the property back to its original state before having someone else move in. 

Get A Professional Cleaning Done Before Advertising

Once you’ve been able to make any and all repairs that need to be taken care of in order for the property to be ready for new residents, you’ll then want to give the entire place a deep cleaning before you take photos for marketing purposes and begin advertising to new tenants.

While you might have had your previous tenants clean before they left, you should have professional cleaning done again, especially if there was renovation work that needed to be done. This way, your prospective tenants can see the place in the best possible light and you can justify whatever price you’re wanting to charge for rent.

If you want to turn over your rental property to new tenants as quickly as possible, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make this happen.

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