How to start a gardening business?

Spending time in a garden is always a great and rewarding experience but it’s also a wonderful way to make money if you decide to. There are many ways you can turn your passion into a profitable business. All you need is a bit of organisation and a lot of determination.

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Full-time business

Gardening can definitely be turned into a full-time job. There are so many people struggling to keep up with their own gardens because of their busy schedule or their lack of a green thumb. They also sometime struggle to find a solution for keeping their gardens safe – a great option is LinkCare Automatic Gates. You could take advantage of the weather and changing seasons by offering to clean up fallen leaves to use for mulch, clear snow for people or mow lawns. Older people especially aren’t as capable of doing these things…

You could also learn to install greenhouses and polytunnels for your clients in need of a helping hand. And if you need to connect with tree service business you can do it here: 

Be ready

Once you’re ready to start your own business, you need to take into consideration some important points. 

  • Make sure that you are physically fit. Gardening is not an easy task, it can be quite physical but will also require that you work in the rain, snow and boiling sun. You have to love the outdoors.
  • You’ll need to possess some basic horticultural knowledge, the difference between a tulip and a pansy and much more, the more knowledge you have, the more likely you are to be hired.  
  • There are also a lot of business management tasks such as accounting and marketing to take into consideration. You’ll have to negotiate with suppliers, liaise with customers and draw up contracts and budget. 

There is no special requirement in terms of qualifications to be a professional gardener, however it always looks good on your CV if you have some experience or qualifications to reassure your customers. 

What’s next?

It’s really up to you how much you want to work as a gardener, but keep in mind that it will also influence how much you’ll earn. As with any business, do not expect that you’ll make a lot of money at first; take it easy and get ready to work hard. Make sure you research local competitions but also the insurance you’ll need to start your business. Self-employed gardeners are known to charge between £10-25 an hour depending on where they work. Research what other gardeners are charging in your area and set your prices accordingly. Fix your price and stick to it.

Finally, remember that gardening is above all a passion, but it will require a lot of hard work and labour on your side to make sure you keep your business alive.

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