Starting up your own business means you will potentially need to attend many networking events to spread the word about your new venture and meet fellow entrepreneurs. First impressions matter and so do your business cards, which might end up in hands of potential clients. Well designed, quality business card can create many opportunities. It’s surprising how often this small piece of paper is overlooked and for this reason we’ve put together a few tips on how to create a memorable business card.
Your business card should represent you and your business. If you pride yourself on offering quality service or products, your business card should represent that. Make sure you pick high quality paper stock so your card looks and feels great. If design is not one of your strengths, we’d recommend using a professional online design company like 99 designs.
The main objective of a business card is for people to be able to contact you. Don’t forget to include your name, along with your logo, your phone number, email and website address. You can also add your physical address. We don’t recommend cluttering things up with too many details like your Twitter handle or Facebook Page link, as these can be found on your website.
Make your cards memorable by including some intricate detailing. We see more and more double sided cards and though these look great, it’s important to remember to use one side of your card for non-critical information. Consider placing a photo, favourite quote or simply, your logo. Online portfolio websites like Behance are great to see what other people are doing and find inspiration.